AT MY DESK: Morgan Bell


morganAt My Desk
Morgan Bell

Hello dear readers. I hope you appreciate that I had to clean my home desk and mock up a writerly scene for your viewing pleasure. Most of the items seen on the desk in these photographs are usually kept on my bed, or in my handbag or overnight bag. I am a travelling gypsy of sorts, an itinerate worker in the civil engineering field, recently turfed out of my day job in Newcastle at the hands of a diabolical cutthroat Mayor. As the fictional Chaucer from A Knights Tale once declared “I will eviscerate you in fiction. Every pimple, every character flaw. I was naked for a day; you will be naked for eternity.” Except luckily I was not naked, my clothes were one of the few things I retained when I had to give up my home in Newcastle and venture south to the bustling…

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